
Welcome to the Journal of Vibrational Astrology Research ~ by David Cochrane

Welcome to the Journal of Vibrational Astrology Research! David Cochrane May 18, 2017 The Journal of Vibrational Astrology (JVA) is an online journal that is free of charge. Papers published in the JVA meet the following criteria: 1.       All papers published in the JVA are grounded in controlled research studies. All papers utilize some form of controlled research to infer ideas about the relationship of celestial phenomena with some kind of terrestrial behavior, or they provide commentary or additional considerations on the concepts and ideas presented in an earlier paper published in the JVA that utilizes controlled research. 2.       A controlled study is one that uses a methodology such as extreme case sampling to remove selection bias. Data mining, exploratory research studies, hypothesis tests, and any other research design that, at a minimum, removes selection bias or other issues that plague anecdotal observations and personal observations may also be used.