Welcome to the Journal of Vibrational Astrology Research ~ by David Cochrane

Welcome to the Journal of Vibrational Astrology Research!
David Cochrane
May 18, 2017

The Journal of Vibrational Astrology (JVA) is an online journal that is free of charge. Papers published in the JVA meet the following criteria:

1.      All papers published in the JVA are grounded in controlled research studies. All papers utilize some form of controlled research to infer ideas about the relationship of celestial phenomena with some kind of terrestrial behavior, or they provide commentary or additional considerations on the concepts and ideas presented in an earlier paper published in the JVA that utilizes controlled research.

2.      A controlled study is one that uses a methodology such as extreme case sampling to remove selection bias. Data mining, exploratory research studies, hypothesis tests, and any other research design that, at a minimum, removes selection bias or other issues that plague anecdotal observations and personal observations may also be used.

3.      The goal of the JVA is to publish papers that investigate potential replicable and observable relationships between celestial phenomena and terrestrial behavior. Studies that produce negative findings regarding a theory may be published because these papers also assist in determining what correlations between celestial phenomena and terrestrial behavior exist. The goal of the JVA is to advance our understanding of these correlations rather than pursuing areas of a more purely philosophical or historical nature. Correlations may be of quantitative or qualitative data.

4.      Papers published in the JVA use Vibrational Astrology (VA) as the theoretical framework. VA is a broad theoretical framework that encompasses any astrological ideas and concepts that are founded fundamentally on the concept of vibrations or waves. Harmonic astrology, midpoints, and resonances formed by isotraps (isosceles trapezoids, also known as planetary pictures), are commonly used ideas in VA. Recent theoretical developments in physics lead to possible relationships between physics and astrology that connect the fundamental concepts of Spin, Fibonacci numbers, and prime numbers to structures in Space. This has even brought ideas such as zodiac signs and the equal house system into alignment with the core idea in Vibrational Astrology that vibration is the underlying principle that makes Astrology effective.

5.      The JVA is not all things to all people. The focus is on empirical research using VA as a theoretical framework. Of course, there is important and worthy work being done in astrology that lies outside the scope of the JVA.

Editorial staff and submissions of papers

The current editorial staff for the JVA are David Cochrane, Editor in Chief, Linda Berry, Starlene Breiter, Will Morris, and Steven Wade.

Questions about paper submissions can be posted here in response to this article, and papers can be submitted to Linda Berry at linda@AstrologicalDepth.com. Papers should be submitted in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format or Rich Text Format (.rtf).

The JVA publishes high-quality papers that must present information clearly and that present the results from well-designed and executed research studies. References for ideas proposed should be given. However, the requirements regarding proper structure, design, and format details for papers are relaxed and loose compared to prestigious academic journals. The JVA greatly raises the bar for astrological discourse but falls short of the very rigorous and tightly controlled requirements of leading academic journals. Our goal Is to make available information about controlled research studies in VA but not to establish such rigorous requirements that the path to publication is prohibitively arduous and demanding.

All submissions to the journal, including those from the editorial staff, are carefully reviewed by all of the editors. Suggestions for improvements are submitted to the author and the paper is published in the JVA after the editorial commission has approved the paper.

There is not a schedule for releasing papers in the JVA. Papers are released when they are ready to publish. Authors retain full rights to the papers. The JVA is a volunteer effort by the editors, authors, and other participants. There is no exchange of money, no budget, or fiscal issues.

The Future of the JVA

All of the above guidelines for the JVA are subject to change. It is possible that the JVA will evolve in ways that we do not foresee at this time, or it may be that the JCA continues with its current structure and guidelines for many years to come. Our hope and our dream is that the JVA will continue to be a vehicle for advancing our understanding of the cosmos and our relationship with it.


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